God was only beginning His work…

I’ve never shared this story before other then to family.. but if your reading this, tonight I feel like someone needs to hear this story because God sees you right where you are.

After the tornadoes came through back in 2020, it took not only my house but my vehicle with it and it became the answered prayer I had been seeking all along… what some people don’t know, is that before the tornado happened, I was going through a divorce and had been praying for the Lord to help me get rid of the car I was left with, because I couldn’t afford it. It was a large monthly payment and I knew somehow I needed it gone so I could take care of my kids with the extra money...

After the tornado, I was out of town and got a call from my neighbor that my home and vehicle were completely gone… I couldn’t process it then, but God was only beginning His work…

I was able to be freed of the entire car with zero penalty.. my gap insurance covered everything that was lost so I was completely free to find something more affordable. And this is where the story gets even sweeter..

My insurance company loaned me a rental car for an entire month for free which gave me enough time to find the perfect car.. instead of rushing into purchasing something, I sought the Lords counsel and waited on Him to speak.. 2 weeks in, after praying heavily on direction, I got a call and this person told me they wanted to give us 15k to go towards a vehicle. I dropped to my knees in amazement that the Lord did exactly what He said He would do. Provide for me…

Now with this new direction, I felt led to buy a car from a car auction. I knew someone who could get me access so the day came for me to go…

Keep in mind, this was all during the first week of Covid so everyone was freaking out, the inventory was extremely low, not a lot of people were working and hardly anyone showed up..

Well, what no one knew, was that I went there with expectation that the Lord would led me and provide me with the desires of my heart.. a 2018 Honda Accord Sport, dark gray with tinted windows to be exact.

I promise you, I can’t make this up.. Before the auction, I wrote in my journal the car I wanted and believed in faith that the Lord would make it happen…

So the day comes and I arrive at the car auction a little early, I spoke with the guy in charge and told him exactly what I wanted… he looked at me and laughed and said “have you ever been to one of these before”.. he said “you will have to compromise because I doubt that this exact car is here, we are low on inventory and that’s extremely specific and rare that we have that new of a car anyways”… he proceeded to hand me a big paper stack and said “you’ll have to look through all these and go outside to walk the car isles to look at the cars you want to bid on.”

I can’t lie… I felt a little discouraged but tried to stay positive.

So as I’m looking through this 30 page description of all the vehicles they had, I came to the second to last page and would you guess what I saw! It said 2018 Honda accord sport! I pointed it out to the guy and said “Look, I think y’all have one!” He couldn’t believe it himself… I asked him if he knew what color it was and he said I would have to go walk the rows and find the car to see the color.

So I went outside and finally came to the row, can you believe as I walked up the aisle I came to this beautiful dark gray, all tinted windows 2018 Honda Accord Sport.. the exact car I had been praying for, for weeks.

I was beyond amazed and so overwhelmed with Gods goodness, but now I had to figure out a way that I could bid and win this car out of everyone else.

I went back to the guy and told him that was the car I wanted and I had 15k to put towards it.. once again he laughed… he said, “you may want to find a backup option in case this doesn’t work out, you know this car is basically brand new, it’s had very few miles and retails for easily over 30k.” He told me I needed to prepare to go higher if I wanted to win it…

As I listened to his words I kept thinking, “no” God has brought me this far, I can’t go any higher if I wanted too, I have to give this to God and I know He will make it happen. I told him I couldn’t go any higher, and that my highest bid would be 15k. He chuckled and said he would give it a try for me but it didn’t look promising..

Now the auction time begins, there are probably 100 people there, a lot of car dealerships and owners, I have no clue what I’m doing but as the car rolls up I begin bidding, it comes down between me and one other person, we get all the way up to $14,500 and I put in my last and best offer at $15,000 and can you believe the other guy backed out and I won the car!

To this day it has been the best car I have ever owned. It was a true gift from the Lord all because I decided to do things His way. I was able to get rid of my debt and given a gift from the Lord. The person that felt led to gift me money for a vehicle told me they felt very strongly that was what they were supposed to do.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but “Believe in the prayers you’ve been praying for.” He is still at work, and if we call upon Him, He will answer, and if we believe and Have Faith as small as a mustard seed.. Miracles will happen right in front of you! He is an amazing father, so loving and caring, better then anything.. don’t miss out on the freedom He freely has gifted us. Don’t allow the enemy to lie to you when things don’t look like they are working out. God works “everything” for good.

Stand Firm on that!

Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you”


3 Key Points on Starting the Home Purchase Process