My Testimony

I promised the Lord from the beginning of my journey that I would tell my testimony when the time was right and tonight He said it was time! So here we go.

It was in the late year of 2019, my life was shaken to the core and everything I once held dear would be ripped away forever. I had weeks of depression, unable to eat, sleep, or work. The pain was like nothing I had experienced ever before. Betrayal that cut deep... anger, bitterness, terrible thoughts that consumed me... My two boys were my only motivation but even then sadly, I had nothing to give. I was completely broken, my heart shattered in pieces. Until the day God spoke to me. I was alone, weeping and I heard his soft voice whisper “you are enough.” It was in this moment that would change my life forever.

It was the first time in weeks I had felt a piece of comfort from three words. I immediately started to pray. Then the Lord said the word “BUTTERFLIES.” Weeping through my prayer I asked what He meant. I heard nothing…

The very next day my clients I had just sold a home to, texted me that morning. They were in the middle of renovating their kitchen floors and found something. He texted me and said He would like to return what he found to the previous owners. He sent me a picture which I attached below. When I saw that picture, I couldn’t believe what was happening. The Lord was speaking directly to me! And my heart was overwhelmed with joy. For the first time in weeks I felt joy again. And little did I know this was only the beginning of what God was restoring in me.

I want someone to know that the Lord hears your prayers. He is very close to the broken-hearted and is the only one who can truly heal you from the inside out. He is a good father. So I share this testimony to encourage someone that is struggling with the same message that was given to me, the Lord gives to you. “You are more loved then you will ever know”

"Out of the heavens He let you hear His voice to discipline you; and on earth He let you see His great fire, and you heard His words from the midst of the fire. Deuteronomy 4:36

The Lord has turned my life around. And I will continue to share my amazing walk with Jesus everyday! More to come

“God will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered.” Deuteronomy 30:3

Chamel Evans

Helping female Christian entrepreneurs to confidently show up, walk in their purpose, and serve others well. Faith Mentoring . Strategy . Web/Graphic Designer

The Lord Showed Up