Testimony Time


Just when I think God has completely out done himself and I think it can’t get better then the last miracle, he proves me wrong... every ...single ... time!

I mean, I know He is amazing and wonderful and beyond belief, He has proven this to me time and time again but this, this, right here was ALL HIM and blew my mind!

So let me tell you the story!...

5 months ago I had the pleasure of talking to my new clients that were moving here from out of state. Before moving, they decided it was best to rent for a couple months to decide what area they wanted to settle in. A few months came and went, and they were finally ready to start looking!

They knew how competitive the market currently is and after going over the process of purchasing with them, I reassured them not to get discouraged if we lost a few battles during bidding wars because let’s be honest, for us realtors and buyers, this is our new normal. However! For me, I have found that PRAYER is my secret weapon and key to success!

PRAYER has NEVER let me down and God continues to prove it true to me!

SO our hunt began!

They knew exactly what they wanted, so we were able to narrow down their options. We ended up finding the PERFECT house! From top to bottom, inside and out it was everything they had hoped for. As their realtor, I knew we had our work cut out for us if we wanted to win this home. It had SEVERAL other offers on the table within only a couple hours of the home being active.

We spoke about how to get aggressive and went through all the options to put our best foot forward, and as we were finishing up the details of the offer, my client beat me to my own saying, and this is where everything changed.

My client says “We know that if this home is meant to be ours then God will make it happen.” I didn’t know of their faith before this moment and it was in that moment I felt Holy Spirit make His presence known in our conversation and I immediately felt His presence and a peace that surpassed my understanding and thats when I knew the Lords hand was on this.

SO I went home, wrote up the offer and prayed to the Lord that if this home was meant for them to let it be. I always pray this over every one of my clients! I give it to Him and at the end of the day I know that if it doesn’t work out then it wasn’t His will...


Fast forward!... it was finally the evening that we were going to find out if we got the house or not...

My phone rings, 9pm and it’s the sellers agent, I could hear it in his voice, and I knew that tone all too well. He says “Lynsey I’m so sorry, it came down to your offer and another one, the sellers have decided to go with the other offer and I’m so sorry.” I told him thank you for giving us an opportunity to make the offer and wished him the best of luck.

BUT as soon as I got off the phone I heard Holy Spirit say “be still, and wait.” It was so clear and that peace that I had felt earlier came back to me. I knew this wasn’t over. So... normally I would have called my clients right then and there but this time I waited, just like the Lord said.

I ended up falling asleep and waking up the next morning to a missed call and text message. I looked down and guess who it was... the sellers agent. His text says, “Lynsey, just spoke to my sellers and they said the deals not over yet, they decided that they want a little more time to decide.”

What?! This never happens, normally it’s a done deal!! But... everything changes when it’s Gods will!

In this moment, I knew.

I knew the Lord was going to be faithful to what He told me. I knew He was going to make this happen for my buyers like He promised. I knew that no weapon formed against what Gods plan was for my buyers would prosper and that Gods plan would go forth. So I stood in my confidence ALL DAY long, knowing in my heart it was a done deal!

And sure enough in the early afternoon we got the call that would change everything for my buyers! Their future, their destination had been hand picked by the Lord. And there is no better feeling then working with the Lord to fulfill His plan and purpose in the lives of others! I get to be apart of a true partnership with my best friend, Jesus. My rock.

I want to encourage everyone to walk by faith and NOT sight. The enemy is so quick to discourage us, and give us an image of failure or losing but when you stand on a promise that God has given you and LET GO to LET GOD it shifts the atmosphere.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” -James 1:17

I could not do this job without the Lord or any job for that matter and be fulfilled. He uses me as a vessel and I can’t imagine life any other way. It’s never mattered what job or career I have had, I’ve found as long as I put Him first He can use me to be a light, and bring glory to His name. He is the only one that fulfills me, without Him we just walk day to day and paycheck to paycheck, bored, and unsatisfied. BUT living for Him... that’s where you start to live in joy, purpose, and a peace that surpasses ALL understanding!

Thank you Lord for who you are. He is SO good.

Chamel Evans

Helping female Christian entrepreneurs to confidently show up, walk in their purpose, and serve others well. Faith Mentoring . Strategy . Web/Graphic Designer


Heart Notes


God is Faithful